首頁 熱銷單品 熱銷單品 熱銷單品 一口鳳梨酥 經典台灣風味「鳳梨酥」 一口一個的精緻入口感, ... 優惠價 / NT$ 165元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "248", // Product ID. 'name': "一口鳳梨酥", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 248 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"一口鳳梨酥" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 一口鳳梅酥 精緻的一小口,令人愛不釋口! 當12年老梅碰上鳳... 優惠價 / NT$ 195元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "247", // Product ID. 'name': "一口鳳梅酥", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 247 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"一口鳳梅酥" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 烏梅絲 特色梅絲造型,古早口味新吃法 70年古法傳承、 ... 優惠價 / NT$ 255元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "1098", // Product ID. 'name': "烏梅絲", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 1098 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"烏梅絲" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 台灣梅片 嚴選台灣上等青梅 70年古法傳承、 獨家調味配方... 優惠價 / NT$ 255元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "1099", // Product ID. 'name': "台灣梅片", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 1099 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"台灣梅片" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 無籽梅肉 70年古法傳承、獨家調味配方 堅守繁複工序、嚴謹... 優惠價 / NT$ 255元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "1100", // Product ID. 'name': "無籽梅肉", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 1100 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"無籽梅肉" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 單盒-8結老梅肉 取經日本古法釀梅, 梅子的酸澀不見了 耗時12年... 優惠價 / NT$ 420元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "107", // Product ID. 'name': "單盒-8結老梅肉", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 107 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"單盒-8結老梅肉" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 提盒裝肉酥酥 家傳三代委託60年老店製作,全台僅此一家的「超酥... 優惠價 / NT$ 300元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "226", // Product ID. 'name': "提盒裝肉酥酥", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 226 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"提盒裝肉酥酥" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 南棗核桃糕 精選黑棗,滿滿棗泥甜香 高營養核桃仁、豐富顆粒口... 優惠價 / NT$ 180元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "730", // Product ID. 'name': "南棗核桃糕", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 730 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"南棗核桃糕" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 義式皇家黑松露夏威夷果 堅果之王夏威夷果獨特奶油香搭配黑松露風味無防腐劑... 優惠價 / NT$ 280元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "776", // Product ID. 'name': "義式皇家黑松露夏威夷果", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 776 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"義式皇家黑松露夏威夷果" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 皇家黑松露堅果提盒 堅果甘甜清脆可口富含多種維生素及不飽和脂肪酸無防... 優惠價 / NT$ 1400元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "832", // Product ID. 'name': "皇家黑松露堅果提盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 832 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"皇家黑松露堅果提盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 蕎麥國寶茶 蕎麥富含維生素、膳食纖維 國寶茶蘊藏多種礦物質、... 優惠價 / NT$ 160元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "731", // Product ID. 'name': "蕎麥國寶茶", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 731 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"蕎麥國寶茶" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 六月初一&成真咖啡 六月初一&成真咖啡單盒以喜悅的心獻上令人... 優惠價 / NT$ 240元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "298", // Product ID. 'name': "六月初一&成真咖啡", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 298 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"六月初一&成真咖啡" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 黑曜芝麻糕(全素) 甜而不膩的古早芝麻香, 不僅Q彈不黏牙,營養好處... 優惠價 / NT$ 150元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "250", // Product ID. 'name': "黑曜芝麻糕(全素)", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 250 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"黑曜芝麻糕(全素)" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 乳酪絲提盒 醇香手作乳酪絲天然、高鈣營養價值高手工剝絲、細心... 優惠價 / NT$ 400元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "662", // Product ID. 'name': "乳酪絲提盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 662 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"乳酪絲提盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 棗香枸杞茶 嚴選上等大粒枸杞與新鮮切丁紅棗, 帶您享用一壺好... 優惠價 / NT$ 160元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "249", // Product ID. 'name': "棗香枸杞茶", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 249 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"棗香枸杞茶" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 一口酥24入家庭號禮盒 24入一口酥入盒 三種規格任選 經典台灣風味「鳳... 優惠價 / NT$ 495元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "860", // Product ID. 'name': "一口酥24入家庭號禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 860 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"一口酥24入家庭號禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 熱銷單品 熱銷單品 熱銷單品 果乾/零食 果乾/零食 品牌周邊 品牌周邊