首頁 8結蛋捲 分享盒 分享盒 經典原味蛋捲 蛋捲經典原味 ,蛋香氣四溢 給您欲8不能酥脆口感... 優惠價 / NT$ 280元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "2", // Product ID. 'name': "經典原味蛋捲", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 2 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"經典原味蛋捲" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 極上咖啡蛋捲 蛋捲微苦韻味 極上咖啡香 給您欲8不能酥脆口感 ... 優惠價 / NT$ 280元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "4", // Product ID. 'name': "極上咖啡蛋捲", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 4 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"極上咖啡蛋捲" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 香醇芝麻蛋捲 蛋捲香醇芝麻 傳統好滋味 給您欲8不能酥脆口感 ... 優惠價 / NT$ 280元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "3", // Product ID. 'name': "香醇芝麻蛋捲", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 3 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"香醇芝麻蛋捲" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 日式海苔蛋捲 蛋捲日式海苔 鹹香好爽口 給您欲8不能酥脆口感 ... 優惠價 / NT$ 280元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "5", // Product ID. 'name': "日式海苔蛋捲", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 5 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"日式海苔蛋捲" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 濃情巧克力蛋捲 8結蛋捲獨有的千層酥脆 搭配上厚實濃香的巧克力 ... 優惠價 / NT$ 280元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "24", // Product ID. 'name': "濃情巧克力蛋捲", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 24 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"濃情巧克力蛋捲" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 8結肉酥酥【紅提袋裝】 人氣熱銷商品:蛋捲+肉酥酥 超酥脆超涮嘴,讓你一... 優惠價 / NT$ 590元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "517", // Product ID. 'name': "8結肉酥酥【紅提袋裝】", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 517 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"8結肉酥酥【紅提袋裝】" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 8結蛋捲【紅提盒裝】 8結蛋捲分享盒 直接包裝送禮用紅提盒 (尺寸:1... 優惠價 / NT$ 295元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "348", // Product ID. 'name': "8結蛋捲【紅提盒裝】", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 348 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"8結蛋捲【紅提盒裝】" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 8結蛋捲 分享盒 分享盒 8結蛋捲提盒/提袋 8結蛋捲提盒/提袋