首頁 精美禮盒組 精美禮盒組 精美禮盒組 一口酥24入家庭號禮盒 24入一口酥入盒 三種規格任選 經典台灣風味「鳳... 優惠價 / NT$ 495元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "860", // Product ID. 'name': "一口酥24入家庭號禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 860 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"一口酥24入家庭號禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金巧8結禮盒 8結蛋捲搭配在地風味單品 包含: 32入蛋捲*1... 優惠價 / NT$ 595元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "1132", // Product ID. 'name': "金巧8結禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 1132 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金巧8結禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 六月初一&成真咖啡禮盒 六月初一與榮獲ESG認證的成真咖啡推出聯名禮盒 ... 優惠價 / NT$ 495元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "372", // Product ID. 'name': "六月初一&成真咖啡禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 372 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"六月初一&成真咖啡禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金典8結乳酪絲禮盒 醇香手作乳酪絲 天然、高鈣營養價值高 手工剝絲、... 優惠價 / NT$ 655元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "663", // Product ID. 'name': "金典8結乳酪絲禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 663 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金典8結乳酪絲禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 梅好心意隨享禮盒 端午禮盒 新品上市! 史上最澎湃梅子饗宴 內含蛋... 優惠價 / NT$ 650元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "1119", // Product ID. 'name': "梅好心意隨享禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 1119 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"梅好心意隨享禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 8結隨享茶點禮盒 ※此禮盒8結蛋捲為8入規格 ※每項風味單品價格不... 優惠價 / NT$ 530元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "1124", // Product ID. 'name': "8結隨享茶點禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 1124 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"8結隨享茶點禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 剛好一口酥禮盒 ※有指定單品需求,歡迎洽詢專人客服 ※每項風味單... 優惠價 / NT$ 360元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "1130", // Product ID. 'name': "剛好一口酥禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 1130 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"剛好一口酥禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金典8結黑松露堅果禮盒 ※內含32入蛋捲1盒、黑松露堅果提盒1盒※黑松露... 優惠價 / NT$ 1655元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "828", // Product ID. 'name': "金典8結黑松露堅果禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 828 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金典8結黑松露堅果禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金8結乳酪絲禮盒 醇香手作乳酪絲 天然、高鈣營養價值高 手工剝絲、... 優惠價 / NT$ 655元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "665", // Product ID. 'name': "金8結乳酪絲禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 665 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金8結乳酪絲禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金典8結腰果脆糖禮盒 ※內含32入蛋捲1盒、手工腰果脆糖提盒1盒 ※手... 優惠價 / NT$ 795元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "1327", // Product ID. 'name': "金典8結腰果脆糖禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 1327 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金典8結腰果脆糖禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金8結雙蜜禮盒 金8結雙蜜禮盒 嚴選台灣頂級龍眼蜜,味道溫厚甘... 優惠價 / NT$ 755元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "219", // Product ID. 'name': "金8結雙蜜禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 219 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金8結雙蜜禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 8結老梅肉禮盒 取經日本古法釀梅,梅子的酸澀不見了 耗時12年釀... 優惠價 / NT$ 675元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "93", // Product ID. 'name': "8結老梅肉禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 93 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"8結老梅肉禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 心意禮盒 在地台灣味, 打造國際伴手禮,將熱賣的單品好禮成... 優惠價 / NT$ 535元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "268", // Product ID. 'name': "心意禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 268 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"心意禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金8結肉酥酥禮盒 家傳三代委託60年老店製作,全台僅此一家的「超酥... 優惠價 / NT$ 555元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "222", // Product ID. 'name': "金8結肉酥酥禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 222 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金8結肉酥酥禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金8結隨行醇蜜禮盒 金8結隨行醇蜜禮盒 嚴選台灣頂級龍眼蜜,味道溫... 優惠價 / NT$ 565元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "220", // Product ID. 'name': "金8結隨行醇蜜禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 220 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金8結隨行醇蜜禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金典8結肉酥酥禮盒 家傳三代委託60年老店製作, 全台僅此一家的「超... 優惠價 / NT$ 555元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "654", // Product ID. 'name': "金典8結肉酥酥禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 654 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金典8結肉酥酥禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 【官網限定】游魚轉心瓶8結蛋捲茶禮盒 禮盒組合可選:a.32入蛋捲... 優惠價 / NT$ 1350元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "590", // Product ID. 'name': "【官網限定】游魚轉心瓶8結蛋捲茶禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 590 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"【官網限定】游魚轉心瓶8結蛋捲茶禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 【吳淡如聯名】樂饗-8結隨享禮盒 【吳淡如限量聯名禮盒】 勇敢追求自己想要的人生 ... 優惠價 / NT$ 530元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "1280", // Product ID. 'name': "【吳淡如聯名】樂饗-8結隨享禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 1280 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"【吳淡如聯名】樂饗-8結隨享禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 精美禮盒組 精美禮盒組 精美禮盒組